This version includes improvements to the MeshBakerGrouper workflow.
- The Pie grouper now has rings as well as segments and all segments in the inermost ring can be combined into a single segment. (Thanks for the suggestion @nickrart ).
- Settings used by a MeshBaker can now optionally be stored in a ScriptableObject asset. These can be shared by many MeshBakers, MultiMeshBakers, MeshBakerGroupers in different scenes. When creating MeshBakers from a MeshBakerGrouper, the children automatically inherit the settings from the MeshBakerGrouper.
- It is no longer necessary to manually delete child MeshBakers when re-generating a cluster. This is now automatic.
- A bug fix for normals when baking meshes with non-uniform scaling.
- A bug fix for the Standard shader when maps have different tiling settings.