Some Favorite Links
In no particular order, this is a collection of things I find useful and interesting, whether they be a nugget or a gold mine.
- Good explanation of the Unity3d compiler nitty gritty
- Great information/tutorials on game networking and physics Gaffer on Games
- Academic research on physically based character animation
- Unity wiki
- Creativeshrimp: the blog of the amazing Blender guru Gleb Alexandrov
- Catlike Coding: great tutorials on a variety of game development subjects
- CG Programming/Unity3d Wikibook: great manual for programming fragment and vertex shaders.
- GPU Gems: online, three volume book of amazing tricks that can be done with shaders
- Syntax Highlighting for shaders in Visual Studio 2015
- Setup for debugging shaders in Visual Studio 2015
- Best information I have seen on Optimization